Planning a Remodeling Project in the Yakima, WA Area?
Count on our construction company to complete your project
When you purchase a new home, there's always room for improvement. Do you want to add a deck in the backyard? Is it time to update your old-fashioned bathroom? Graphite Construction, LLC can help with any construction project in Yakima, WA or the surrounding areas.
Take inspiration from a home improvement show, a friend's house or a photo online, and watch us bring your design to life.
For a free initial estimate on our construction services, contact us today.
If you can dream it, we can build it
Hiring a different contractor for all of your construction projects can be expensive and stressful. Instead, hire the one construction company that can do it all in and around Yakima, WA.
From design work to excavation service, our team can perform any construction job that you need. Hire us to be your:
- Bathroom remodeler
- Kitchen remodeler
- Pole building construction contractor
- Decks & pergolas
- Excavation services
We can also act as your outdoor living space contractor for decks, pergolas, and garages.
Want guaranteed quality? Choose our professional company - we offer one-year warranties on all of our projects.

Design the Home of Your Dreams
Bring your own blueprints or work with our professional team to bring your vision to life
Are you looking for a contractor with years of experience? Before you hire a construction company in the Yakima, WA area, make sure they have a reputation for:
Offering fair pricing
Providing top-notch construction services in Yakima, WA
Using high-quality equipment
Graphite Construction checks off all of those boxes. Get construction services from a business you can trust - call 509-731-6785 now to schedule a consultation.